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This is an artistic book which depicts the grim reality of life.  The cover is supposed to be a circle on top of a tree.  Both the circle and the tree are common symbols of life.  The main character – the humanoid figure that walks on all fours, is a human overwhelmed by the negative aspects of life. The aspects are symbolized by the “totems” that are stuck in the human’s body.  As the pages turn, the colors change, until all the aspects become the same color, the color which the human started with.  This is a metaphor for how people slowly get used to the negative aspects of life and are forced to move on, even on all fours.

 I later on revisited the subject and added a background.  The gears on the background indicate that the human in the artwork is just a "cog in the machine".

The grim of life: Bio
The grim of life: Selected Work
The grim of life: Selected Work
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